most people in the cc are high enough levled not to use guthans but for the ones that aint and the ones that dont have 68 summ guthans is a good tool to have
the best tasks to use guthans on :
Black Demons: even high levled players here struggle to tank black demons
cave horrors : far from a bank, hit high, there like pures low defence but hit all the time
use guthans on the bats in the cave, meelee based mage so dont use on cave horrors
hellhounds : again far from bank, alot stronger then cave horrors, should do these because lots of charms drops, helps towards that all important 68 summ
greater demons: especally if low defence
-75 anything aboive 75 and you shouldnt need
lesser demons: again if low defence, same as above
elves : could be used on these however there is a bank near by
bloodvelds: can be used on these because although there magic based meelee they aint that strong
specs : use on the bloodvelds, probably better banking though,hard to use here though
tasks to NEVER use on
dragons: fire breath hits very high wihtout antifire sheild
dusties: stat reducing
baslisks: hit hard without mirrior sheild
turoths and kurasks, can only hit with leafbladed weapon
wyverns: without the elemental or mind or dfs these hit very high
if ive forgot anything can you tell me