I really doubt its right place for this topic, so feel free to move it around.
Today, I was asked by Webgamer to come to the summoning obelisk at taverly to boost his exp by 6% so he could get unicorn. SInce i was watching league of legends season 2 finals groupstage, this was no porblem for me, afking there. BUT that also made me think bout the idea i'd like to present.
We all know summoning takes quite a chunk of money and most importantly charms. Even if someone has money to do it, they might be short of charms. 6% more exp for charms done is kinda alot. That's why I think we should do an sn summoning training "event" every week or two.
What it would look like?
Once we get some ppl who would like to actually have boosted summ experience a single capt/gen would stand wth avatar at piscatoris obelisk and chill for 1-2 hours (planned and announced beforehand - possibly measured with 2-3 kyatts) so that ppl can train summon there. I bet some of us wouldn't really mind afking if it helped several people from clan.
tl;dr: Make capt/gen stand with avatar next to summ obelisk while clanmates do summ!