This guide isn't quite as detailed as some guides are because this post is to show everyone some useful things i found while recently getting 88 summoning. This guide is for the Kyatt method of training and using both dueling rings and the Ring of Kinship.
To start off:
An amazing way to cut down time/effort is to set your "left click" option to "interact". This way you can click that while still in your bank interface then immediately click teleport without having to find which kyatt is yours. Another way to decrease your clicking amounts is to ALWAYS have your side bar set to see your equipment, because the only time you interract with your inventory is while banking (which automatically pops up when you open the bank). This allows for you to always be able to quickly click your teleport ring after making pouches.
Ring of Dueling method: Start off at castle wars bank, summon your kyatt and fill your inventory up with the summoning supplies. After clicking teleport, click your minimap compass to face your character north, then when you see the dung ahead of you on the map, spam click that spot until your character moves, as you begin running towards the ladder swivel your camera to where you are facing south and a little downwards at your character, this way you will be right in sight of the obelisk.
After making your pouches, right click your ring of dueling and tele out. While still facing south, you can bank easily at castle wars with the bank box in sight. After you have clicked the box, click your mini map compass once again to face north and ready yourself for the next run.
Ring of Kinship method: This method is basically identical to the Ring of Dueling method, however the times you click your mini map compass are different.
When you bank, set your character facing north as before, and you can swivel your camera the same way as before in order to see the obelisk easy, but after you make your pouches and click teleport, immediately click your mini map compass to face north as this is the way the bank is after you teleport.